Mr. Secretary, it happened in an UN-UNWRA-Hamas Vacuum

Merav Levi
6 min readOct 31, 2023

Hamas, UN and UNWRA are responsible for the brainwashing, hate-mongering of Gaza kids, raising generations of Palestinians with one goal in life: Kill Jews and Israelis.

On Oct 7th 2023, Hamas committed heinous crimes against humanity, the worst ever happened to the Jewish people since the holocaust. Personally, I call it the Second Holocaust.

The pro-Palestinian support and spiking Antisemitism around the world is alarming even more. It should alarm anyone who calls him/her/themselves a freedom fighter, a liberal, a fighter for human rights. However, these days, it seems the more “liberal”, the more “progressive” one considers themselves, the less tolerant they are toward the constant bombing by Hamas and other terrorist groups have been inflicting on Israel since 1967. Somehow “progressive” these days means allowing mutilating bodies of innocent people in their beds, raping Israelis women and kidnapping civilians ages 9 month to 87 year old. They wouldn’t allow it anywhere else. Is this is progression or bigotry?antisemitism? I call the later.

United Nations’ General Secretary Guterres said “it didn’t happen in a vacuum”. I would argue the vacuum is not Israel’s occupation, as he blamed, but rather years of indoctrination of hate to Palestinian kids, by Hamas and UN/UNWRA. That’s the vacuum I am talking about.

First, a little background: Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005. Therefore, there is no occupation since! Israel left behind flourishing agricultural land, expensive agricultural equipment. Instead of using those, Palestinians, whether spontaneously or under their leadership guidance, looted and destroyed it. This should have been the first hint that Gazans had no goal to become an independent state. Like “Abu Palestine”, Arafat, who was never ready to advance and become the first President of an independent Palestinian State, the Palestinians are not ready to say “yes, let’s leave next to one another”, but rather they demand “all or nothing”. And this is exactly what they keep getting: a whole lot of nothing, or as Abba Even said:”The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity”.

To show their disagreement to the mere existence of Israel next door, mortars and rockets were shut into Israel on a daily or weekly basis since 2005. Most of the time, it targeted the same Kibbutzim, towns bordering Gaza strip, but often it also reached Tel Aviv, other northern cities of Israel. Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) infiltrated into those Kibbutzim, making Israel realize there are underground tunnels under the border. These tunnels were financed by international aid and made for the sole purpose of executing terror attacks inside Israel. This was found to be true.

Israel signed the Oslo Accord in 2013 but Hamas hijacked the election in Gaza. Since then, they are controlling the strip, no reelection ever since. They upped their shelling. Luckily, the Iron Dome, Israel anti-rocket defence system alerted people to get into safe rooms/shelters and was able to dismantle most of them. That’s what it looks like when your government actually invests in defending you, not using you as their human shield. At certain point, enough was enough and Israel had another operation in 2014. This got Israel few years of relative quiet. I say relative because weekly or monthly shelling into Israel continued. Then came Oct 7.

Back to Guterres “vacuum” claim: The vacuum I am referring to is the education system in Gaza. UNWRA is the de facto education provider in Gaza and West Bank. UNWRA teachers promote hate and killing of Jews, Israelis, against UNWRA own “policy” or rather its “lip service”. UNWRA and Hamas schools are teaching hate. Kids in those schools learn that a good Palestinian kid, who brings pride to their parents, society, are those who become a shahid, martyr, by killing as many Jews, Israelis as possible. Kids are indoctrinated into killing Jews and Israeli literally from age zero. They than grow up to become this Hamas terrorist who calls his parents braging about killing Jews on Oct. 7th.

UNWRA allows Hamas to store ammunition in its facilities, making them a legitimate target under international warfare laws. So is the case of UNWRA-operated hospitals, like Shiffah, as was recently revealed by IDF spokesperson, called the “Gaza Metro”. The only traffic goes through there is ammunition and Hamas terrorists.

A survey conducted by the Washington Institute, shows majority of Gazans support Hamas shortly before the Oct. 7th attack. So yes, Mr. Secretary, it “did not happen in a vacuum.”

When you strip the kids of Gaza and West Bank from their childhood by this kind of brainwash, you are depriving them from growing up to their humane potential, from becoming citizens of the free world, just because it is next to Israel. Instead, they grow up filled with hate and one goal in life: to become martyrs who kill Jews, as the audio above shows.

To solve that, after this war is over, the UN and UNWRA should be dissolved and for the same reason League of Nations did in 1945: Systematic failure and incompetence as the world’s leading organization that is systematically promoting antisemitism (and is not an antisemite organization by its mission). Secretary Guterres should resign immediately!

To heal Gaza, we need a program supervised by USA & Co., aka a coalition consists of UK, Germany and France. UNIFIL and other UN missions already proved to be incompetent and/or untrustworthy. Using the model of Hong Kong (by concept, not by end result), for a hundred years, the strip will be “leased” to and under the Coalition supervision, or a coalition “mandate”. Israel should not be part of it to avoid future conspiracies of forced conversion and “ethnic cleansing”. The coalition will see first that those returning to Gaza have no Hamas or other active-ties to other terror organization(s). I say “active ties” because living among them should not automatically be presumed a terrorist, unless there is a specific intel on the involvement in such activity. The rest of it will include:

  1. Ensuring proper education that meets the OECD standards.
  2. Ensuring no anti-Israel, antisemitic propaganda is taught or otherwise promoted in schools. No after-school activities encouraging kids to kill Jews for G-d’s glory, including social media.
  3. Ensuring no anti-Israel, antisemitic tropes are preached in mosques, radio and TV broadcasting, especially those geared towards kids. There are plenty of peace-preaching Imams.
  4. Ensuring International aid money is used to rebuild a state, not terrorist facilities. Rebuild high-end hospitals, modernized schools, roads, sewer system, other infrastructure. Build a place where kids can grow to be happy humans not hateful terrorists.
  5. Develop Gaza economy: Tourism, casino, agriculture could be just the beginning.
  6. Palestinians will not be allowed to arm, just as Japan and Germany post WWII.

After the first 50 years, two generations into this process, the Coalition will start helping Palestinians build their governmental entities, ensuring there is no hidden anti-Israel, antisemitic rhetoric, propaganda or agenda to eliminate their Jewish neighbors.

Every 5 or 10 years a survey will be conducted evaluating the attitude of Palestinians towards Israel, the West, western values, living next to Israel as a partner in peace. The survey will be conducted by an independent organization, e.g., Washington Institute, Pew.

After the following 50 years, if Palestinians will show they are living peacefully, their kids are encouraged to achieve success, prosperity and in pursuit of happiness not martyrdom, peacefully next to Israel, they will be handed the final keys to their independent state. However, with the first sign of armament, anti-Israel rhetoric or teaching, they will be stripped from their independence.

Gaza has the potential of becoming a small strip of heaven, if only “they will love their kids more than they hate us [Jews, Israelis]” as said the late Prime Minister of Israel, Golda Meir.



Merav Levi

A Registered Dietitian by trade, a foodie. Yogi. Interests: Politics, foreign affairs, human rights. An Israeli-American who dreams of traveling to Iran.